Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mini Dresser: A Lil Scrap Of Heaven Swap

Hi everyone, I'm here with my latest swap item that I made for the Mini Dresser Swap, at A Lil Scrap Of Heaven, that was hosted by Cynthialoowho. I made a video with a simple explanation on how I made it, and what I used to decorate it with. When viewing it, please keep in mind, I am not a, it was recorded with on my iphone, and my cameraman/directer was my nine year old grandson, Ozzy...:-) You  will hear him asking a couple of questions in the background. I think he did a very good job for what he had to work with, and had a couple of good points that he brought up that I should mention...:-)

I would really love to hear what you think of my latest project, so if you have a chance, please leave me a comment, and I'm sure Ozzy would like to hear what you think of his cameraman/director debut...:-)



Darla said...

Great project! Ozzy did a fantastic job with the video and great questions. :)

Anonymous said...

His questions were right on! Adorable project

Unknown said...

very pretty little dresser and your Grandson did an outstanding job. How cute that he was asking questions about the project.

Kellie said...

I love that dresser, it is so beautiful. I would love to make it. You tell Ozzy he did an awesome just like a reporter!!

Unknown said...

Great!! Did you have a pattern for the entire dresser, or just the drawers?

SandyK said...

It's darling, great job.